
Lab tests at home


Lab tests at home

Hospitalia is partnered with the top certified labs in Egypt. Our Partnered Labs have a team of experienced phlebotomists, who collect samples from patients’ home.

Booking a lab test is quick and easy through hotline or website.

Once a patient books a test, the phlebotomist goes as per agreed time slot and collects the blood/urine sample.

Through our partnered labs we provide complete health check-up packages and individual lab tests for you and your family. Our partners provide a wide range of lab tests includes:

· Complete Blood Count

· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)

· Postprandial Blood Sugar (PPBS)


· Thyroid Profile (T3, T4 and TSH)

· Lipid Profile

· Urine Test

· CRP Blood Test

· Cholesterol Test

· Vitamin Test

· Kidney Functions

· Liver Functions

· others

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